Monday, December 15, 2014

Facebook hates the Pro-Life cause.

Facebook is trying to shut down LifeNews!

Each and every day LifeNews is taking on the pro-abortion mainstream media as it attempts to push America and the world further in to the culture of death.
The pro-abortion mainstream media is a multi-billion dollar business and LifeNews will never have the resources to compete with it as we attempt to shine a light on the pro-life truth. But we do have one tool at our disposal – social media. There, pro-life people like you can decide what is right or wrong and share with your friends and family what YOU think about destroying millions of babies in abortion.
Because social media is such an effective tool at combatting the media, LifeNews has diligently worked for years to connect pro-life people together to share pro-life news and compelling stories that can change hearts and minds on abortion. In fact, we have built on Facebook the second largest pro-life community – only behind our good friends at LiveAction -- with more than 500,000 pro-life people sharing our news and information.
Working with pro-life people like you via Facebook, we can easily share the pro-life perspective with millions of people every month.
But Facebook has changed the rules of the game and is working in concert with the pro-abortion mainstream media to do so!
Because of what Facebook has done, it is making it more difficult for LifeNews to share our pro-life news and information with the very people who like our page and want to share the pro-life perspective with their friends and family. Instead, Facebook is making groups like LifeNews pay money to reach our own readers. At the same time, it is making it easier for the pro-abortion media to have their news stories show up in your timeline at Facebook.
So while Facebook is shutting down the pro-life message, it’s enabling the pro-abortion media to expand their reach into our culture with their defense of unlimited abortion.
This change has made it so LifeNews now has to put money into promoting our news stories to our readers at Facebook. But, because it is so beneficial to get the pro-life message out via social media and to impact millions of people with the life-saving pro-life message, we believe it’s an important investment and we need your help to continue growing and expanding our pro-life presence in social media.
Have you ever read a story at LifeNews and thought to yourself, “Wow, more people need to read this article!” Well, this is your chance!
This is your opportunity to support a pro-life ministry that is taking on the pro-abortion media every day and to get pro-life stories in front of as many readers as possible to change the hearts and minds of people!
Can you help us overcome the pro-abortion media and Facebook’s bias with a donation of $25,$50, or $100? Maybe you can give $500 or $1,000 to help us reach tens of thousands of new readers every week!
Please click here to make a donation to LifeNews TODAY! We're about halfway to our $25,000 December goal.
We know as pro-life people that we will face persecution from a society that thinks death is a convenient solution for someone who is “unwanted.” But LifeNews will fight back and we will stand up for the unborn, the elderly, the disabled and those who are victims of the culture of death. Will you stand with us?

For the unborn
Steven Ertelt, Editor

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