Thursday, December 04, 2014

God Bless America

Five encouraging reasons for 
sustained American liberty. 

                   Me waving the flag and supporting the troops and yes - I was most definitely packing heat.... 

1.  God's Sovereign Grace. 
    The fact that we still have "some" freedom says that divine protection still rests upon us.

2.  God honors the faith of Godly National Patriarchs.
    He will honor the memory of men like Washington just as He did Abraham.

3.  The Internet.

    In spite of the rubbish, we can use it to circumvent the leftist control of the media.

4.  The Spirit of America still abounds in our nation.
    There are hordes of freedom loving patriots who will not bow to tyranny and who refuse to believe the propaganda of socialists in government and media.

5.  The 2nd Amendment.
    Over 100 million Americans own 3 times that amount of firearms and they have the resolve to use them against anyone who would try to remove their God given rights protected by     the Constitution of the United States of America. 


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