Wednesday, December 17, 2014

R U redi 4 cap & tax WA?

The “War on Carbon” has been fully engaged in
Washington State, with Jay Inslee leading the way. In just 24 hours the “green governor” opened up two fronts in his personal battle
against global warming – and his green agenda is just as extreme as Shift has been warning.

Team –

The “War on Carbon” has been fully engaged in Washington State, with Jay Inslee leading the way. In just 24 hours the “green governor” opened up two fronts in his personal battle against global warming – and his green agenda is just as extreme as Shift has been warning.

Yesterday and again today, Inslee announced plans to push huge tax increases on all Washingtonians – through a cap-and-tax program he calls a “charge” and a fuel mandate scheme that he plans to push through without a legislative vote.

Inslee is sugar-coating the inevitable economic impact of his cap-and-tax and fuel mandate with dishonest claims and deceptive language. He refused to call his cap-and-tax program and fuel mandate by their usual policy names—referring to them instead as a “charge on carbon” and a “clean fuel standard.”

It’s time we show Inslee what it means to send a clear message—without deceptive claims or clouded language.

Yesterday, Shift sent an email asking you to sign the petition to tell Jay Inslee that if he thinks a fuel mandate is the best policy, to put it up for a vote. Let the legislature debate his fuel mandate – don’t just jam it through by executive order.

We need your help to spread the word—would you please share this email with a friend and consider helping us continue to keep shining a light on Inslee’s plans with a donation?

Your contribution – we suppose Inslee might call it a “truth charge” – will aid us in funding an online “sign the petition” advertising campaign. Help us send a clear message to Inslee by donating to our campaign.

Your friends at SHIFT WA

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