Friday, December 12, 2014

Union Spy at FF Event

Union Spy Crashes Freedom Foundation Fundraiser
No longer content merely to read our blog posts and monitor our website, unions are now dispatching their agents to obtain first-hand intelligence about the Freedom Foundation by crashing our events.
Among the attendees at Thursday night's fundraiser was Bill Aston, who identified himself as a representative of FUSE.
In case you're not familiar with the group, the FUSE website describes it as "... the state's largest progressive organization," whose mission is to " a bigger and stronger progressive movement, increase leadership and accountability in politics, and improve peoples' lives."
Given that the chairman of FUSE's board is SEIU 775 executive Adam Glickman, however, it doesn't take much imagination to guess what its real agenda is.
Aston, who operates a Seattle media production company, didn't disturb the fundraiser. But he did attempt to covertly record the comments of various speakers. Once Aston was discovered, he was asked to leave.
As the Freedom Foundation becomes more active in exposing union corruption, expect the unions and their allies to become more militant in their attacks.
It's about time the unions had to play defense, and the Freedom Foundation is just the organization to keep it that way. We've gotten their attention. Your continued support will help us keep up the pressure.

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