Wednesday, February 18, 2015

AR-15 ammo Ban

Dear Larry,

Last Friday, Obama’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, 

Firearms and Explosives (BATF) dropped a bomb on 
gun owners.

BATF announced a proposal to ban the manufacture, 

sale and importation of M855 ball ammunition, a 
common type of ammunition used in AR-15s.

By proposing the reclassification of M855 ammunition 

as “armor piercing” and not “primarily intended to 
be used for sporting purposes,” M855 would only be  available to government agencies.

Within hours of this announcement, the price of M855 ammunition skyrocketed, and by the end of the weekend 

much of it was sold out across the country.

Along with their proposed ban, the BATF announced 

that comments on this ammo ban would be open to the 
public for 30 days.

That’s why it’s vital you take action at once!

My goal is to flood the BATF with more than 500,000 EMERGENCY FAX PETITIONS insisting they drop their 

M855 ammo ban.

I’ve prepared for you a special STOP OBAMA’S M855 


Please click here or on the picture below to sign it right now!

After you sign, my staff will make sure it’s sent 

on to the appropriate fax number.

For more than six years, gun owners have fought back  against Obama’s war on our Second Amendment rights.

When he’s tried to ram his gun control agenda down 

our throats in Congress, you’ve taken action.

Now with less than two years remaining in office, 

all signs point to Obama cranking up his war.

But there’s not much time to fight back against 

Obama’s M855 Ammo Ban!

Please click here to sign your STOP OBAMA’S M855 AMMO BAN EMERGENCY FAX PETITION right now!

And when you’ve done that, please forward this 

email on to family and friends asking them to take 
action as well.

Thank you, in advance, for taking action!

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown

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