Monday, February 23, 2015

Coptic Christians

Egyptian Christians Honor and Celebrate the Lives of the 21 Martyrs in This Wonderful Way

Maybe you saw pictures or videos of the terrible beheading of 21 Coptic Christians in Libya.

The Christian Community in Egypt gathered to celebrate, mourn and honor these Heroes and Martyrs.  As you can see in the video, they start praising and worship God all together.  

Question: "What is Coptic Christianity?"

Answer:"Coptic" means "Egyptian," and Christians living in Egypt identify themselves as Coptic Christians. As a denomination they originated in the city of Alexandria, one of the most faithful, respected, and fruitful cities during the Apostolic Period. Proudly, the Coptic Christians acknowledge and herald John Mark, (author of the Gospel of Mark), as their founder and first bishop sometime between A.D. 42 - A.D. 62. The Coptic Church was actually involved in the very first major split in the Church, well before there was such a thing as "Roman" Catholicism, and it was also well before the East/West split. (Christian Post)

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