Tuesday, February 24, 2015

School Problem

Government Schools = America's Destruction
By Robert McCurry

Mind Control.
 Allah in our schools: "Our education system has been infiltrated by the enemy, as the next generation of Americans is brainwashed with white-washed Islam. The assault is coming from all directions and it never sleeps. 'Muslim Brotherhood front groups have been, and continue to be, integrally involved in the development of Common Core curriculum....
 "Our children are exposed to all manner of 'educational' activities that amount to Islamic propaganda, which is now endemic in the school system. 'In addition to Muslim Brotherhood front groups, Saudi Arabia exerts outside influence on school curricula. The Saudis spread a lot of money around, giving it to organizations that promote Islam throughout our institutions.'  See The UN Plan for Your Mental Health

conversions: That Islamic propaganda has infiltrated our schools would be bad enough. But in addition, it was discovered that 100 pages on the history of Christianity and Judaism were removed from many of the history textbooks in Seminole County that were teaching the five pillars of Islam. ...at least one teacher was trying to circumvent parents by directly communicating with her students via social media to remind them of their Islamic lessons and assignments. See Lawlessness

"I studied the Qur'an a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction that by and large there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammad." Alexis de Tocqueville (1843)

Spiritual Corruption.  Public school has students 'bowing to the sun god': "A legal case over a public school in California that has students 'bowing to the sun god' is looming in an appeals court, where a team of lawyers advocating for student and parental rights is challenging the Encinitas Union School District's Ashtanga yoga program."

Wake-up, Pastors! Wake-up, Christians!

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