Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Yoho Resolution

Dear Larry,
Representative Ted Yoho (R-FL) has introduced a House Resolution (HR 198) that specifically defines what the constitutional term "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" means so the House will be able to bring coherent and supportable charges against wayward politicians and other office holders.
Mr. Yoho's resolution has been referred to the Judiciary Committee and America must join forces to compel this committee to pass it out to the whole House immediately.
Once HR 198 is passed by the entire House, Obama will no longer be allowed to declare amnesty for illegal aliens, hide documents from Congress or ignore the laws on the books without risking impeachment.
This is the most aggressive move toward impeachment that any House Member has made in the past six years, so we must seize this opportunity.
We need to let every Representative know that they will have America's full support if they pass the resolution and enforce it against Obama!
This is a day that many Americans, myself included, have been waiting for!
Send your FaxGrams to the House Judiciary Committee immediately. Tell them to support and pass HR 198!
Image of Charles Benninghoff, Founder
Charles Benninghoff, Founder
A House Resolution defines how the House of Representatives conducts its business.
Senators cannot filibuster it and Obama cannot veto it!
HR198 describes 11 specific actions as impeachable offenses.
Here are seven of the offenses that will be impeachable under HR 198:
  • Issuing "executive orders" that circumvent the Constitution
  • Failing to faithfully execute laws through signing statements or willful non-enforcement
  • Launching wars without congressional approval
  • Killing Americans on US soil without due process
  • Spending tax dollars in defiance of congressional appropriations
  • Refusing to comply with subpoenas for documents or testimony
Send your FaxGrams to the Judiciary Committee today and demand that it pass this resolution!
As Psalm 1:2-3 states it, "But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in His law does he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth fruit in his season; his leaf shall not wither; and whatsoever he does shall prosper."
The rule of law -- righteous law based on God's word, such as the laws found in our Constitution -- is the bedrock of a peaceful, civilized and prosperous society.
Obama's thwarting of the law has gone on far too long and is leading us down the road to moral, spiritual and fiscal bankruptcy as a nation.
This is why you must keep the pressure on Congress to hold Obama in check, as the Constitution requires of the legislative branch.
Send your FaxGrams to the House today!
Send Faxes Now Image
Then, please tell others about this amazing effort to finally define "high crimes and misdemeanors" by sending them this link:
Finally, after you have sent your FaxGrams, contact your Representative in Congress at 202-224-3121. Tell him or her to vote in support of HR 198 which defines High Crimes and Misdemeanors once and for all.
Charles Benninghoff Signature Image for Email

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