Why Pastoral Depression?
Mainly, it is because of 1Pet.5:8. However, it is not always 100% the Devil’s fault.
Many times the preacher is his own worst enemy. He confuses priorities and neglects important
personal things in his life.
He neglects his relationship with God. (Always putting others first)
He neglects true study of scripture. (Always the activities director)
He neglects genuine prayer.
(Remember to take time for you and God)
He neglects his family.
(These love you more than all the rest of the flock)
He neglects being with or talking to other preacher
brethren. (Put down fear & pride)
That is not all.
He measures success by visible results. (The greatest things are often unseen)
He constantly tries to improve every service. (Stay on a biblical course)
He worries about offending people. (Is God pleased?)
He grieves too much over those who leave. (It could be a blessing in disguise)
He feels incompetent when people reject his teaching. (God will honor the truth)
He blames himself when the church does not grow. (Be not
weary in well doing)
He envies the growth of other church organizations. (Preach truth
& let them alone)
So – what makes us keep on going? We walk by faith and not by sight. We rely on the sovereign grace of God,
knowing that He does all things well. We
know that He loves us and will never forsake us even when we feel as if we have
failed Him. 1Cor.15:58. Therefore, my
beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of
the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. KJV
Thanks Bro. Larry.
This is very good. I am in hearty agreement.
Moody Roberts
Amen, Bro Larry, May God give us Grace to keep things in a Godly perspective.
Seth Bourn
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