Thursday, June 04, 2015

Health & Survival

Healthy Enough to Survive?

Is Your Body Prepared For SHTF? Even though I started prepping about 10 years ago, just a couple of years ago I realized that everything that I have taken time and spent money on would be absolutely pointless if I'm not in shape to use them. You want to live without health issues right? Sometimes heredity plays a factor in health and we can't help or stop it. If it is something we could, can, and will prevent, why wouldn't we?


Urban Farming | Grow Your Own Organic Garden Green Smoothie Recipe

Today we're bringing you a delicious smoothie recipe from Pioneer Settler, along with tips for growing your own ingredients. Keeping yourself healthy is an important part of preparedness. Urban farmer Emily Richards will show you how to grow your own vegetables (a great skill to have if SHTF), and how to make them into a smoothie that even the pickiest kids will love.
Follow along as Emily makes us the perfect organic green garden smoothie while offering advice for sustainable living.She shares the benefits of each vegetable, where to find them if they aren't in your garden, and what to do with your scraps ¦ Yes, even your water.

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