New Ben Carson Book A Game Changer!
Some have compared its impact to Phyllis Schlafly’sChoice, Not an Echo book that was key to winning the nomination for Barry Goldwater in 1964.
With an astounding initial run of 630,000, Ben Carson, Rx for America, makes an iron clad case for Ben Carson as the best choice for the Republican Party and for America in 2016.
I’d like to send you a copy.
But, first let me tell you how the Carson for President bandwagon is rolling along.
At the state convention of the Georgia Association of Republican County Chairmen, 76% of those attending said they were supporting Ben Carson for president in 2016.
A national FOX News survey has Ben Carson in a first place tie with Jeb Bush.
A Red Strategies poll has Carson in second in Iowa behind Scott Walker.
A Virginia GOP online survey has Carson winning in Virginia by 83%.
Why is there such amazing support for Ben Carson?
As the polls show, Americans are fed up with the political class--both Republicans and Democrats.
Thinking themselves wiser and better than those who elected them, they now see themselves as the ruling class, the masters who are entitled to rule over the likes of you and me. But it’s more than that...
Thanks to Ben Carson, Rx for America, they now understand that Ben Carson not only has far-and-away the best chance of winning in 2016, but is also the only candidate who can unite and heal our broken land.
The numbers don’t lie, and Ben Carson, Rx for Americaverifies the fact that any candidate other than Ben Carson is likely to lose in 2016.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, 2016 is not 1988.
In 1988, George H.W. Bush won a landslide victory because he received 60% of the white vote.
In 2012, Mitt Romney lost even though he received 59% of the white vote.
To put it bluntly, just winning 60% of the white vote doesn’t mean you are going to win in 2016.
In order to win in 2016 the Republican candidate for president must win at least 17% of the black vote and 30% of the Hispanic vote.
Some moderates think they can do that by moving to the left, but they can’t.
The only way to win in 2016 is to nominate someone who can win 17% or more of the black vote and more than 30% of the Hispanic vote.
That person is Dr. Ben Carsonand when you read Ben Carson, Rx for America, you will understand why.
There is a good reason that Ben Carson is the only Republican candidate who is listed in the top ten of the Most Admired Americans list.
This 190+ page book explains why and how Ben Carson is sure to win in 2016.
That’s why Democrats fear the candidacy of Ben Carson more than that of any other candidate.
At the Southern Republican Leadership Conference in Oklahoma City Ben Carson signed copies of Ben Carson, Rx for America and picked up a copy to read.
Recently, the Iowa Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds asked for a copy of Ben Carson, Rx for America, and Congressman Steve King asked for two copies.
It’s the only way to understand the Ben Carson phenomena.
Not since Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater have hundreds of thousands men and women who have never before participated in politics flocked to the banner of a Republican candidate for president.
Ben Carson isn’t leading a campaign, he is leading a crusade.
As one political wag put it, “Other candidates can energize the base, only Ben Carson can expand the base.”
We have already printed more than 600,000 copies of Ben Carson, Rx for America and they are being distributed in all of the early delegate selection states--Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina.
But, there’s much more to do.
That’s why we are on the verge of ordering another 500,000 copies of Ben Carson, Rx for America.
It works like this.
There are 150 books in each box. Each book costs $0.37. That means a full carton of books costs The 2016 Committee (formerly known as Run, Ben, Run! or the National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee) $56.25.
It takes 3,334 boxes of books to total 500,000 copies ofBen Carson, Rx for America.
In fact, I’m hoping you will pay for one or more boxes ofBen Carson, Rx for America.
Fair enough?
It makes no matter the amount, you will receive a complimentary copy just for supporting this crucial effort.
Please let me hear from you today.
John Philip Sousa IV -- National Chairman
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