Tuesday, July 21, 2015

They're not GOP's they're SOB's

GrassTopsUSA Masthead
To Hell With Congress... I'm Taking My Iran Raw-Deal To The America-Haters Of The United Nations!

Obama_Dictator       Those were Barack Obama's sentiments. That's why he took his Iran Raw-Deal — a deal that puts the world's foremost sponsor of global terrorism on an Obama-approved path to obtain nuclear weapons — to the America-haters at the United Nations.

       Obama has once again decided to attempt to bypass Congress. It's as if he believes that the Constitution gives the United Nations the power to ratify treaties entered into by the United States. So... what will the cool, calm, deliberative men of the Republican leadership do about it?

       Well... it may shock you to know that some Republicans might be willing participants in this shell game... for more details... keep reading...

       But one thing is certain, now that the America-haters at the United Nations have given this raw deal the thumbs-up; Obama believes that collaborating Democrats and weak-kneed Republicans will not dare to vote it down. That's Obama's strategy... but it's a strategy that we're going to thwart with the most powerful weapon at our disposal... MASSIVE GRASSROOTS PRESSURE!

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate. Or alternatively, send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every of the United States Senate. That’s 100 Blast Faxes.

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