Dear Fellow Conservative,
The U.S. Armed Forces have a message for Christian soldiers:
"Hold your tongue, change your attitude or either voluntarily or involuntarily be mustered out."
Those are the words of Mikey Weinstein, a former Obama appointee to the Pentagon specializing in religious freedom.
Weinstein now heads an anti-Christian organization, falsely called the "Military Religious Freedom Foundation."
And once again, radical homosexual activist Weinstein is leading the charge against Christianity in uniform.
As a consultant to the Pentagon, Weinstein's first order of business was to declare all chaplains who openly share their faith or evangelize as "spiritual rapists."
Despite Weinstein's threats, Christian chaplains in all branches of the Armed Forces refused to silence their religious testimony.
But they're facing an increasing risk of punishment and even their careers for their Christian beliefs.
That’s why I hope you sign your Religious Liberty petition I'm emailing you today.
Public Advocate is leading the important fight to defend Religious Liberty for every American across the country.
And pro-Family champion, Representative Raul Labrador (R-ID), is fighting vigorously to protect Religious Liberty with his First Amendment Defense Act, (H.R. 2802).
You see, the First Amendment Defense Act prohibits the federal government from denying tax exemptions or other government benefits to individuals and institutions that defend Christianity and Real Marriage.
And Public Advocate is collecting petition signatures from thousands of pro-Religious Liberty Americans.
As a result of our continued pressure, Labrador's bill has increased to 136 co-sponsors.
But I still need more signatures or else weak-kneed Republican leadership will cave to the radical Homosexual Lobby and gut this bill.
I'm hoping I can count on you to turn up the heat on Congress by clicking here to sign your petition to your representatives.
You see, the assault on Religious Liberty and those seeking to defend Real Marriage by the anti-Christian Left will surge to an all-time high after the pro-homosexual "marriage" Supreme Court ruling.
In fact, we've already witnessed several victims.
Navy Chaplain Wes Modder received a court martial when the Homosexual Lobby managed to trump up charges with the help of a disgruntled homosexual in Modder's office.
But this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Marine Corps Lance Corporal Monifa Sterling was discharged for simply having a Bible verse on her desk.
And now, the Homosexual Lobby is seeking to make their radical agenda mandatory for chaplains and soldiers by using the Supreme Court's decision against Real Marriage.
The Pentagon is even declaring any chaplain who refuses to perform homosexual "marriage" to be discharged.
That's why passage of Labrador's bill is so important.
Can I count on you to sign your petition here and chip in $10 or $25 to help collect thousands of signatures for Congress?
Our service men and women face real danger and need supporters of Religious Liberty to step up to help pass this bill.
I'm afraid of the consequences if we don't.
Believing in Real one man and one woman Marriage could soon be grounds for a court martial.
Refuse to congratulate a lesbian officer on her "marriage?" Court martial.
Get caught supporting a pro-Family politician? Court martial.
Post a Bible verse in your cubicle? Court martial.
Weinstein and his allies want our Armed Forces completely devoid of any Christian influence.
And if Weinstein gets his way, soon all it will take to receive a court martial is simply believing in true Biblical Marriage.
Many servicemen and women have already been punished for standing up for Traditional Family Values and Real Marriage.
Unless Public Advocate comes to their aid, it will only get worse!
That's why I need you to sign your First Amendment Defense Act petition and chip in $10 or $25 right away.
You see, not only does the language in pro-Family champion Rep. Labrador's bill specifically eliminate discrimination against Christians by the federal government...
But it will also protect the tax-exempt status of churches and Christian schools from the bully-like tactics of the Left.
And even though Public Advocate's efforts have resulted in earning 136 co-sponsors for the bill...
Weak-kneed Republicans in leadership won't schedule a vote until they think enough pro-Family Americans support it.
So please, click here to sign your First Amendment Defense Act petition.
And by chipping in $10 or $25, you will allow Public Advocate to recruit petition signatures from thousands of supporters.
I hope you'll help Public Advocate be the voice of pro-Family Americans.
For the Family,

President, Public Advocate of the United States
P.S. The Homosexual Lobby is calling for a purge of all Christians from the military -- anyone who believes in Real Marriage.
That's why I hope you'll sign your First Amendment Defense Act petition, supporting Labrador's bill to protect the Religious Liberty of military chaplains.
And please help Public Advocate collect petition signatures from thousands of pro-Family Americans by chipping in $10 or $25.

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