Gun Rights Advancing Across the Country!
are now eight constitutional carry states that allow citizens to carry
concealed firearms without a permit: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas,
Maine, Montana, Vermont, and Wyoming.” -- GOA executive director Larry
Pratt, The Examiner, July 28
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Last chance to help GOA in the Lucky-Gunner Giveaway
Owners wants to thank those of you who have already voted in the
Lucky-Gunner giveaway. You have helped put GOA in the top-running -- we
are only just a few hundred votes out of first place.
we noted before, a legal judgment against the anti-gun Brady Campaign
will result in thousands of dollars going to pro-gun groups -- one of
which will be GOA.
If you haven’t voted yet, this is your last chance to do so.
It will only take you a couple of seconds -- and by doing so, you will
be helping to multiply our lobbying efforts so we can keep wavering
legislators in line.
click on the link immediately above or on the graphic below -- and vote
for GOA. This is your absolute last chance, so please do so today!
Deregulation of firearms sweeps the statesEarlier this month, Maine Governor Paul LePage signed a GOA-backed permitless carry bill into law. This means that residents of the Pine Tree State can carry concealed without getting permission from a government bureaucrat.
On July 1, a similar GOA-backed law went into effect in Kansas. So with the addition of these two states, there are now eight that have enacted Constitutional Carry.
In Wisconsin, Governor Scott Walker (R) signed another bill that GOA had lobbied for -- a bill to repeal the 48-hour waiting period on purchasing handguns.
In fact, Gov. Walker has led a team of Republican Governors to repeal gun free zones in more than half-a-dozen states. They are arming their respective guard units, allowing them to carry guns while on duty.
Progress was made this year in several other states, as well. And at the federal level, GOA has been working with several members of Congress to garner support for bills repealing the military gun ban.
Armed citizens protecting “soft targets”
The attack on two military installations in Chattanooga, Tennessee, by a Muslim terrorist in July has tragically highlighted the failure of gun-free zones.
So armed citizens and militiamen in several states banded together to help guard servicemen from future terrorist attacks.
In Virginia, a citizen armed with an AR-15 stood guard outside several recruitment centers. He said everyone inside was glad to see him.
“I went into each office,” he said, “and I was received with handshakes and thank yous. [The] wives came by in tears thanking me for just being out here. They baked cookies for me and brought lunch by.”
In Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio has mobilized his “posse,” armed volunteers who receive training, and placed them at recruitment centers in his county.
This is not the first time that Sheriff Joe has mobilized the Second Amendment militia after a high-profile shooting. He’s protected schools after Sandy Hook ... black churches after Charleston ... and now recruitment centers in the wake of Chattanooga.
Finally, a “Pistol-Packing Preachers” class is helping men of the cloth fulfill the requirements for their concealed carry permits in Louisiana. So places of worship will soon be a much more dangerous place ... for criminals and terrorists!
There’s lots of good stuff happening around the country. Please stay tuned!

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