Sunday, September 24, 2006

Steadfast Christianity

My trip to Troy, Michigan was good. Had a wonderful time of fellowship with the brethren there. Listed below is the outline of the sermon I started off the Bible Conference with on Tuesday night.

1Cor. 15:56-58. (Pray)

The God of the Bible is a God of Grace and that is a good thing because we are all miserable failures when it comes to meeting the standards of holiness in the Bible. There is a constant need for preaching on steadfast faithfulness to God. Down through time, man has consistently failed in the area of service for God. Even the best of us have failed at one time or another in living for God as we should. There is example after example of this in the Bible. The Israelites failed in old testament times, the new testament believers all had their shortcomings and those who name the name of Christ today also fall short much of the time. Our text deals with sin, salvation and service. Let us look at these three things in regard to Steadfast Christianity.

1. It is a problem in the early days.
A. In the early days of holy literature. Gen. 2: 15-17, 3:2.
B. In the early days of human life. Ps. 58:3.
2. It is problem in the middle days.
A. In the middle days of holy literature. Judges 2:16-17.
B. In the middle days of human life. Eccl. 11:9-10.
3. It is a problem in the last days.
A. In the last days of holy literature. 2Tim. 3:1-7, 2Pet. 3:3-7.
B. In the last days of human life. Eccl. 12:1-3, Ps. 71:17-18.

1. It is praiseworthy in Old Testament times. Ps. 106: 1-5.
2. It is praiseworthy in New Testament times. Rom. 15: 8-11.
3. It is praiseworthy today. Gal. 1:3-5.

1. True believers in the Old Testament were steadfast. Ps. 40: 9-11.
2. True believers in the New Testament were steadfast. Acts. 20: 26-28.
3. True believers today will be steadfast. 1Pet. 3: 14-18.

Conclusion: Examine yourself. Are you truly in the Faith? How do you deal with the sin problem? Do you really know Christ and show a love for Him? Do you plan and purpose your prayer time, Bible study and devotional time. Are you steadfast in witnessing and in the ministries of the local church?
The only remedy for your sin problem is Christ. The only redeemer who really redeems is Christ. The only right way to run the race after trusting Christ as your savior is to follow Him in scriptural baptism and always abound in the work of the Lord in the kind of local church that Christ called MY church. AMEN.

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