Sunday, March 25, 2007



A Sunday school teacher asked, "Johnny, do you think

Noah did a lot of fishing when he was on the Ark?"

"No," replied Johnny.

"How could he, with just two worms."


for my sermon outline on todays message.


Marion and I went out yesterday to see our granddaughter Kiersten

race her Quad. My, how exciting. I'll try and post a couple of pictures

I took on my cell phone. I have a short video too but am not

technical enough to get it posted yet.


Anonymous said...

Visited your church's website. Saw the chain-links on the side.
Have you actually checked out the history references? They seem to be BOGUS. Why would you publish lies?
I'm no preacher, just a truth seeker.

Larry Killion said...

Dear no name,

Every quote in our church heritage is personally taken from history books in my library all the way back to the place where I put in the disclaimer.... if you read that far. Larry J.Killion

Anonymous said...

Thank you for pointing out the disclaimer. Please accept my sincerest apologies.

The seemingly bogus history references appear following the disclaimer.

Do you think it is wise to publish the list, even with a disclaimer?

I have looked up several of the references in the second list and they do not check out. It appears the second list is a fabrication.

Unknown said...

Dear anonymous,

Apology accepted. I was troubled by not being able to find the references listed after my disclaimer and that is why I put in the disclaimer, however, rather than assumming that these references were fabrications I chose to believe that the references were from editions of history books published at different dates than ones I could find. Sometimes page numbers are changed with revised editions. There may have been some typographical errors also in the transcribing of the references somewhere along the line. I MAY delete them at some point but for now choose to leave them in with the disclaimer. LJK

Anonymous said...

Several versions of this list have been published by others.

Davis Huckabee had this to say about it:

"In all of the historical references, not one of them, nor any of the numerous other historical references possessed referred to a single one of the churches, places or persons mentioned. And it is a stretching of possibility beyond reason to think that every one of these references involved a miscopied page number, or a differing page number because a different edition was used, etc. In some of the sources, not even the remotest reference was made to the supposed church or person, though the whole section which covered that time and place in history was read."

"Thus, it appears that this supposed church succession is a fraudulent one without basis in fact. If this be so, then it not only does nothing toward establishing the truth, it actually reflects evilly upon the truth, for it implies that such a succession requires fraud to justify belief in it. Such is not the case at all. No truth ever needs any help from a lie, for the two have nothing in common, I John 2:21f, and, as our Lord taught in John 8:44, the devil is the father of all lies."

Davis Huckabee,
Studies on Church Truth,
Chapter 12: The Perpetuity of the Church,
Section VI: American Baptists

Larry Killion said...

Dear anonymous,

I really do not think it is beyond the reach of reason to think that such ancient records could easily be lost or misquoted or ill-referrenced etc. But none the less, out of respect for brother Huckabee I have decided to revise "Our Baptist Heritage" on the front page of our church website and aleaviate the need for my disclaimer altogether. You said your apology was sincere and I take your word for that. Thanks for your persistance anyway. Moving on. LJK