Thursday, May 07, 2009

Did you know?

We had a good prayer time last night at TLBC but did you know that TODAY is Nation Prayer Day? Yes, Mr. BO signed a proclamation to that effect. click here Pray with me:

Dear heavenly Father,

I come to you bowing in reverence to the one true and living God and acknowledge that you are Holy, Just and Good, and your mercy endures forever.

I confess that I am a hell deserving sinner. It is like the prophet Isaiah said, "I am a man of unclean lips and I dwell in the midst of a people with unclean lips." I have sinned as a person and my nation has sinned as a country. You would be just if you turned your back on us for ever but we come claiming the shed blood of the Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world according to your divine plan of salvation.

I thank you for your mercy and grace. I thank you for your providential watch care over my country and me in spite of our sin. I thank you for the freedom from sin that we can have in Christ, your only begotten Son, and for the political freedom we have in America. Thank you for the right to LIFE. Thank you that I can pray to you directly like this and not through the rules and regulations of any city like Mecca, Rome, Washington DC or any other. Thank you for the right to bear arms and protect myself and my family from evil men. Thank you for a work ethic that does not give a sense of entitlement to a free ride in life that must be paid for by labor and taxes of others. Thank you for those in the Armed Forces of our land that protect our liberty.

And now as I have endeavored to ADORE you first of all and CONFESS the sins of my land, and myself and offer THANKSGIVING for your bountiful blessings, I come to the SUPPLICATION in the ACTS of prayer. I ask for CHANGE. I pray for Mr. Obama. I ask that you change his heart. Change the mindset of this land. Turn us back to the nation that was founded on Biblical Principles. Change us from greed to grace. Change us from unborn baby killers to unashamed truth tellers. Change us from oppressive governmental regulation to open gracious regeneration. Change us from being over run with illegal aliens and potential terrorists to being open for real opportunity to those that would enter legally and become one of us rather than demanding that we change our culture and language for their benefit. There are so many changes that could be made for the better in our land. Oh, God, hear my prayer and hinder those that are bent on moving away from the basic freedoms that we started out with in America and are placing us more and more in bondage and servitude to government. Change us back to the Godly standards that we once knew. I ask this in Christ's name. AMEN.

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