Thursday, September 03, 2009

About Government run health insurance

I was thinking about the public option debate and realized that I myself actually spent the first 21 years of my life in a government run health care program. We don't really need a new one. We already have one. It is called the US Military. Dad was a career soldier and I inlisted immediatly after graduation from High School for three years. I received fairly adequate medical care from birth until honorably discharged in 1965. So, if you want to be in a public option, sign up and go to boot camp like hundreds of thousands of others have done.

Since I was honorably discharged, I have the option of going to any VA Hospital for my medical needs but I had better choices given to me by employers during my working career. Now that I am retired, I actually prefer Medicare to the VA and have chosen to buy a suplemental plan to help with any medical expenses above the 80% covered by Medicare. I say again, "There is no need to create a new public option called by any other name. All we need to do is work on improving the coverage and service that is already available to law abiding citizens of our nation and get better control of unfair price gouging in the health industry."

Another thing that our lawmakers might consider working on rather than this unproductive effort to push through an unfair s0-called public option, is to create a way for Doctors, Clinics and Hospitals to charge the country of origin for medical bills not payed by illegal aliens that use our emergency rooms as their "free public option".

As Pastor of TLBC I have separatist convictions about the one way of salvation and proper service to the Lord according to the New Testament pattern and that therefore will not let me be a part of the local Ecumenical Ministerial Association. They send me their monthly paper anyway. There was an interesting and timely article in this months edition. It was entitled "What You Don't Know About Healthcare Can Really Hurt You" by Victoria Doyle. It started off with a brief testimony about a friend that died due to an untreated dental infection. Let me give you here a couple of points of information in the article.

"What you should know is that there is help, whether you are over or under 65. The Office of the Insurance Commissioner sponsors the Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors (SHIBA) volunteer program. The SHIBA program offers free, confidential and impartial consultation to help Washington residents of any age or income level locate and access coverage for health, dental and vision services..... While resources are indeed scarce, there are options available..... The SHIBA Helpline can be reached at 1-800-562-6900. Additional information can be found at "

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