If passed, Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy’s Magazine Ban Bill would outlaw the sale or transfer of firearm magazines with a capacity of more than ten rounds.
Already own a handgun, rifle or shotgun with a magazine that holds more than ten rounds?
You’re “legal” for now. But you can’t ever sell it, give it away or pass it down to your kids.
In fact, Congresswoman McCarthy’s bill would turn widows into instant FELONS if their late husbands possessed a 12-round magazine!
Of course, all this is bad enough. But it’s not even close to the end of it.
News reports are that President Obama recently met with House Republicans where he likely made whatever promises he had to in order to pass H.R. 308 with as little publicity as possible.
His goal is simply to “get the camel’s nose under the tent.”
Then, once H.R. 308 goes to the Senate, the White House is preparing to launch an all-out WAR on our Second Amendment freedoms!
That's why I need you to sign this petition IMMEDIATELY.
If we don't stop him now, we risk losing even more of our rights.
In fact, once the bill reaches the Senate floor, my inside sources are telling me dozens of amendments are already in the works, including:
*** Mandatory waiting periods, and expensive, drawn-out “psychological screenings” designed to force ALL law-abiding citizens to get government approval before purchasing a firearm;
*** A TOTAL ban on all private sales under the guise of “closing the gun-show loophole”;
*** A new so-called “Assault Weapons” Ban, targeting ALL semi-automatic rifles and shotguns -- which, unlike the Clinton ban, will NEVER expire;
*** A National Concealed Carry “Standard” -- designed to make it even more difficult for law-abiding citizens to carry a gun to protect themselves and their families from murderers like Jared Loughner.
Don’t get tricked by this one -- this “standard” is nothing more than the feds forcing states to slow down the approval of concealed carry permits, and make the remaining permits null-and-void in most areas!
And with the full backing of the White House and the anti-gun media, you and I can’t take anything for granted.
After all, just their efforts alone will be difficult enough to overcome.
But what if -- God forbid -- there’s another criminal rampage?
You and I both know President Obama and his anti-gun pals will rush to exploit it.
That’s why you and I must strangle this monster in its crib NOW before it’s too late.
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