Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Congress by passed again

Citizens, we thought the DREAM Act was nothing to worry about - at least not yet considering that it FAILED to pass Congress this past winter. But it looks like our voices and the will of Congress no longer matters. The DREAM Act is in effect.

The Obama administration has declared the entire country a sanctuary for illegal immigrants.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano confessed earlier this month that the Obama administration will not deport illegal-alien students who would have fallen under the protected of the failed DREAM Act, the amnesty program for illegal aliens under the guise of immigration reform.

At a webinar and roundtable on border issues sponsored by a leftist think tank, she said, “I will say, and can say, that you know what? They are not, that group, if they truly meet all those criteria, and we see very few of them actually in the immigration system, if they truly meet those [criteria], they’re not the priority.”

In other words, the DREAM Act is now determining deportation even though Congress did not pass it.

Once again Patriots, we see the Obama Administration’s true immigration agenda shining through: pushing amnesty down our throats whether we’ve lawfully rejected that agenda or not. Demand proper representation: click here

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