ALERT: Senate to take final vote on Michelle Friedland, April 28! Take Action - Tell Senators to OPPOSE her confirmation!
American Conservative,
In just two days, Harry Reid will bring the final decision on Michelle Friedland to the Senate floor.
This important final vote will determine whether or not another Obama radical ascends to the federal court system.
Obama-tapped Michelle Friedland has proven herself to be a judicial supremacist - an enemy separated powers and limited government - and is totally unfit to serve in the Ninth Court of Appeals.
This is why we've got to take the little time we have and tell Senate members to oppose her confirmation.
Patriot, we need you to contact Senate lawmakers today and tell Senators tooppose Friedland in the final vote on Monday, April 28!
Take Action! Blast Faxes to the United States Senate demanding members to VOTE AGAINST the confirmation of Michelle Friedland to the Ninth Circuit Court.
** Also, sign and send our petition opposing Friedland here.
Considering her incredibly liberal track record, the thought of Friedman as a Ninth Circuit Judge is frightening.
In her career thus far, Friedland has endorsed foreign law over domestic law; she's attacked religious freedom (saying that Judeo Christian beliefs are "discredited"); and has actively fought the expressed will of the people (California's voter-passed Proposition 8).
As an active member of the liberal American Constitutional Society, Friedland believes in "debunking" originalist and strict constructionist interpretations of the Constitution rather than upholding the Supreme Law as it is expressly written.
In "Disqualification or Suppression: Due Process and the Response to Judicial Campaign Speech," Friedland goes so far as to claim that:
"There is no independent truth about the content of rights in state constitutions .... The rights are no more than what enforceable judgments of the state courts say they are. ... [The] constitution only creates rights to the extent a judiciary ... says it does."
This is to show that Friedland is of the opinion that Courts create law - not elected representatives working in accord with the revealed law and the laws of nature.
With Harry Reid set to take the vote finalizing the Friedland decision in the near future, we're asking you to send a strong message to members of the United States Senate right now!
Blast faxes, sign our petition, and call Senate offices in opposition to the confirmation of Michelle Friedland!
Take Action! Blast Faxes to the United States Senate demanding members to VOTE AGAINST the confirmation of Michelle Friedland to the Ninth Circuit Court.

For America,
Conservative Action Alerts
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