Monday, June 23, 2014

JAIL the IRS Gestapo

June 23, 2014


Tonight Internal Revenue Service chief John Koskinen will be back in the hot seat to face off against Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) and members of the House Ways and Means committee ...

During this evening's hearing, we expect Koskinen to become a stone mason -- fortifying the protective wall being erected around those involved in a scandal and cover up that deputy Wall Street Journal editorial page editor Daniel Henninger says "is worse than Watergate."

This scandal is worse than Watergate because we are the ones being targeted. Ordinary citizens who love their country -- not political operatives going after each other.

That's why we are asking, "
Is there a worse abuse of power in our nation's history than the current Internal Revenue scandal?"

As the layers of the IRS scandal and cover up are slowly pealed back it's clear there is a massive conspiracy reaching into the White House ...

Americans were in this administration's crosshairs and we deserve to know the truth.

But the only way to bring the truth to the surface and hold those accountable to the fullest extent of the law is through the
appointment of an Independent Prosecutor -- free from the control of Obama and his Justice Department thugs.

Larry, it just won't happen without you!

+ + 15,000 Names And Growing

Since launching this national petition only days ago, more than 15,000 Americans have signed -- expressing outrage and demanding the truth.


Grassfire is looking to hand-deliver these petitions to Congress within the next 14 days, or when we reach 50,000 petition signers. Help us quickly reach this important delivery plateau.

Go here and sign this petition demanding that Congress establish an INDEPENDENT PROSECUTOR -- to investigate the IRS scandal and cover-up.

Thanks for your immediate attention.

Your Friends At Grassfire

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