Monday, June 16, 2014

Out with them

Dear Patriot,
In Mississippi, Chris McDaniel has a small lead in the polls over big-government Republican Thad Cochran.
However, the GOP Ruling Class establishment is fighting back. In fact, Mitch McConnell just held what he called “the biggest fundraiser ever” to benefit Thad Cochran at the National Republican Senatorial Committee headquarters in Washington, D.C. At that one event, they raised $820,000.
We can’t take anything for granted. The entire national Republican Party establishment is gearing up to crush Chris McDaniel in Mississippi.
We have only 8 days left before the runoff and we are still way short of our goal of raising $1 million.
We took a huge chance by placing a fundraising counter on our website. Mitch McConnell and his team of high-paid consultants in D.C. are monitoring this race hour by hour. They know that this money bomb fundraiser is behind schedule.
Chris McDaniel is waging a great campaign. But especially after Eric Cantor’s loss last week, the Republican Party establishment is out for blood.
They are working overtime to turn out liberal Democrats for Cochran. They are running ads promoting Cochran’s support of welfare and food stamps.
Cochran himself is personally attacking Chris McDaniel. He’s calling him an “extremist” because he wants to repeal Obamacare and cut the federal budget.
And these Ruling Class Republicans are raising unbelievable sums of money for one last epic blast of negative ads.

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