Dear Larry,
For 18 months, the Freedom Fonundation's Glen Morgan had been
protecting Kristi Brumfeld's identity and helping her file a complicated
whistleblower complaint against her employers in the Washington state
It was immediately apparent the public workers' union Kristi belonged
to was colluding with managers to get her fired rather than help her, as
she rightfully expected.
Finally, when Kristi had had enough, she decided to go public with her
story. She gave the green light to Glen and the Freedom Foundation to
tell it.
This is an important story to tell in our effort to expose government
unions. They force government employees to join and pay them, but when a
member needs its representation, the union runs and hides.
"The union won't protect you when you're a whistleblower or uncover
evidence of corruption," Kristi said.
Click here to listen to Kristi's message.
It takes an enormous amount of time, energy and perseverance to find
stories like these-and it takes immeasurable courage from average
citizens like Kristi to tell her story. I think you will agree, Kristi
has a very powerful story to tell.
Read the full story here.
Your financial support helped us find this story. And now that we have
it, we want to blast it loudly over the airwaves and social media until
every single state employee knows how the unions not only failed to help
Kristi, but how they actually helped her supervisors get her fired.
We need to saturate the radio and social media in order to reach all
the state workers, and here's how you can help right now. Exposing this
government union corruption will eventually release the stranglehold
unions currently have on our government and then lessen the burden of
government on all Washingtonians.
We need your help right now.
$10 will help us reach 1,000 people on social media
$100 will help us reach 10,000 people by email
$1,000 will help us buy a week of radio advertising
that will reach over 250,000 people
$10,000 will make over 2,500,000 radio impressions in
Thank you for your continued support at this critical time.
For Freedom,
Tom McCabe, CEO
Freedom Foundation
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