Dear Larry,
I couldn't have written a better headline...
"McCabe's Freedom Foundation plans legal assault on labor"
But I didn't write it. That's on the biggest union news site in our
state, which ran an 815-word article "exposing" the Freedom Foundation's
I hope you're sitting down ... here is what they revealed:
- The Freedom Foundation was founded by Bob Williams,
- We used to be called the Evergreen Freedom Foundation,
- When I ran the BIAW we fought hard against then-Gov. Christine Gregoire, and
- Freedom Foundation is right now ramping up our legal team to challenge unions.
All correct! And the article goes on to predict "this war will be an expensive and divisive one for unions in Washington state...." You better believe it. (If you have a strong stomach, the full article is here.)
For too long, the union political machine has run roughshod over the
rights of individual worker and hardworking, struggling Washington
taxpayers. I've had enough. Have you had enough?
One last thing about the union article-it includes a veiled threat to sic the IRS on the Freedom Foundation, just as the Obama IRS has persecuted other conservative groups.
If you want to take down the union political machine and help me be ready to fight off the Obama Administration, you can make a contribution right now. Do it in honor of the union's "exposé" of the Freedom Foundation.
For Freedom,
Tom McCabe, CEO
Freedom Foundation
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