Friday, July 18, 2014

CRPD is Back Again.


We got word late yesterday that the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee has scheduled a hearing on the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) for Tuesday, July 22nd at 10:00AM ET.
CRPD threatens U.S. sovereignty and parental rights.  This treaty could put us under international law when it comes to parenting our special needs children. While CRPD may, on the surface, appear to protect those with disabilities, it actually gives the government the power, with direction from the U.N., to decide what is best for our children.
Believe me, if ratifying this treaty would help anyone with disabilities, Karen and I, as parents of a special needs daughter, would be the first ones to support it. 
But it doesn't.  
We have been anticipating that CRPD would come up again despite its defeat in 2012.  Advocates for CRPD have been fighting hard behind the scenes to sway the minds of key Senators in an effort to get them to change their positions. In addition, I think the White House knows they are likely to lose Senate seats this fall so now is their best chance to push this treaty through -- especially while the public is focused on other issues like the border crisis, and the IRS and VA scandals.  
I can tell already by the communications out there that supporters of CRPD are doing all they can to pressure well-meaning folks to support this treaty. 
Please contact your Senators right away and make sure they know that you are against this treaty. Even if they heard from you in 2012, they may be fooled into believing public opinion is changing if they only hear from the other side.  You can contact them quickly and easily through our email tool which you can access here and call them through the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121.
Please take action with us NOW so that CRPD is defeated once and for all.  And don't forget to multiply your voice by enlisting 5 more people to take action with you!
Rick Santorum
P.S. If you haven't already added your name to our petition against CRPD, please do so now by clicking here.

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