In order to be a public school teacher in Washington, you must be a
member of the teacher's union—the Washington Education Association. Even
worse, WEA spends your dues money however they please.
Two weeks ago, our team of highly trained freedom fighters launched a
TV advertisement in the city of Bellingham Washington, based around the
story of a teacher who was forced by his union to support a political
candidate he did not agree with (watch the ad here).
In an effort to gauge the impact of this ad, we conducted a localized
survey asking this question: Did you know teachers in WA State are
sometimes forced to support a political candidate they don't agree with?
Before the ads were aired in Bellingham, only 24% answered yes.
After a two week ad run, we conducted the same poll again and
compared the results. Now 48% of the people surveyed said they know that
teachers are forced by their unions to support political candidates
they don't agree with. That's a 24% increase only after a two week ad
We all know forcing someone to do something they don't agree with is
wrong, but it takes somebody to tell people. That is what the Freedom
Foundation is doing—informing the public of the unchecked wrong-doing of
the unions.
Our TV ads in Bellingham were in just one small market in our state. Imagine if we could air ads like this all over the state? Then everyone in the state of Washington will learn public sector unions are a disease that must be cured.
Please join with us in stopping this disease (public sector unions) and support our mission of individual liberty, free enterprise and limited, accountable government.
With your help, we can win this fight.
Thank you,
David Bramblett, Creative Director
Freedom Foundation
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