Dear Survivalists,
Will you be ready to protect your family?
Below, Jason Ross of READYMAN reveals the Navy SEAL video you MUST WATCH to make sure you really have what it takes when SHTF.
- 'Above Average' Joe
WARNING: Do Not Watch This Controversial NAVY
SEAL Video if You'd Stop Short of Seriously Intimidating, Injuring,
or Even Killing to Protect Yourself and Your Family During a Crisis:
It happens all the time...
Some lowlife breaks into a neighbor's home looking to rape, steal, or even kill.
In the latest in an onslaught of violent crimes in Cincinnati,
police are currently investigating a DOUBLE shooting during a home
invasion robbery a few days back.
Some unsuspecting man in his 40s and his 18-year-old niece
were shot in cold blood just after midnight in their basement.
Three hoodlums wearing dark red bandannas jumped the woman as
she took out the trash and dragged her into the house through the open
front door.
Then the men forced the homeowner and his niece into the basement at gunpoint:
Where's the money?! WHERE'S THE MONEY?!
With a few painful blasts to the man and woman's legs, the thugs made off with $2,000 in cash and a gold bracelet.
...There are people willing to shoot you for a measly wad of cash, in everyday, ordinary life.
Imagine what will happen when sh*t hits the fan.
...When it's not just anti-social criminals who don't hesitate to harm you and your family...
...But it's your neighbors “your fellow
Americans“ who have grown hostile from
desperation, fear, and even
Will you be prepared?
These victims in Cincinnati didn't have a gun. They didn't have a dog. They didn't
have the simple-but-powerful edge that would have kept them safe from harm.
have the simple-but-powerful edge that would have kept them safe from harm.
Do you?
In this 100% free video training, you'll discover how you would react to this life-threatening scenario in real-time.
And you'll learn it directly from a Navy SEAL who served 7 years in one of the most hostile places on earth...
...And survived the chaos of a mind-blowing 64 combat missions.
Here's to being READY, at all times, at all costs,
Jason Ross
P.S. It takes 30 seconds to learn this weird NAVY SEAL trick that stops lethal home invaders dead in their tracks.
You never get the chance to learn firsthand from a Navy SEAL
with so much real-world experience in the survival trenches.
It's not just the fact the U.S. government pumped $4 million dollars into turning him
into the best fighting-force the world has ever seen...
into the best fighting-force the world has ever seen...
...It's that he has smoothly weaved his way in-and-out of complete civil unrest, and side-stepped death more times than he can count.
This video training could save your life and the life of your loved ones.
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