Thursday, December 18, 2014

From Mayberry to Martial Law

Dear Survivalists,
How prepared are you for what will unfold when your hometown goes from Mayberry to full-scale Martial Law?
With all the events going on in the world right now, we might be a lot closer to the brink than you would think...
We've seen a lot of news headlines lately about disease pandemics, civil unrest, terrorist attacks, etc.¦
Any of these situations, if they get out of hand, could easily result in martial law.
Inside this article: What you need to know about martial law
  • What is martial law?
  • What are the signs that martial law is coming?
  • How do you prepare?
Just like all disasters, martial law could happen at any time.
That doesn't mean we should live in fear, but it does mean we should take the proper steps now so we aren't caught off guard when it goes down.
Remember, we're all in this together!
'Above Average' Jo

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