Saturday, May 30, 2015

NSA's domestic spy program

Tomorrow I will force the expiration of the NSA's illegal spying program.

I will not allow any bill extending illegal NSA spying to be rushed through 

ahead of the deadline.
My oath is to support and defend the Constitution, and I won't back down.

The abuse of general warrants and the attack on the Bill of Rights must 

stop once-and-for-all.
We don't have to choose between fighting terrorism and obeying the 

That's why, two years ago, I sued the NSA.

It's why I proposed the Fourth Amendment Protection Act to force our 

government to abide by the Bill of Rights.
It's why I have fought for a full, open and honest debate on warrantless 

domestic spying -- a debate that is always kicked down the road in the 
name of "security."
So last week, with the proponents of this illegal spying rushing toward 

a deadline to ram through renewing illegal spying, I took a stand.
I filibustered for over 10 hours to shine a light on the vast expansion 

of the spy state and the erosion of our liberties.
I stood on the Senate floor until the early hours of the morning and 

helped block any short-term extension of these powers.
Tomorrow, the Senate will come back from recess with just hours left 

before the NSA's illegal spying powers expire.
And I won't allow defenders of the spy state to legislate through a 

manufactured crisis by holding a deadline over the head of Congress.
Let me be clear: I believe the number one job of the federal 

government is national defense.
I believe we must fight terrorism, and I believe we must stand 

strong against our enemies.
But we do not need to compromise the Constitution in the process.

In fact, we must not.

I am ready and willing to start the debate on how we fight terrorism 

without giving up our liberty.
This can't be delayed any longer.

I do not do this to obstruct.

I'm fighting for a strong national defense that upholds the 

Constitution and protects Americans from enemies who seek 
to do us harm.
So I hope I can count on you to sign your petition and stand with me as I force illegal NSA spying to expire and stand strong against any deals or threats.
In Liberty,

Rand Paul

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