Tuesday, August 11, 2015

thing to do

August 10, 2015
Join Baronelle to Stand for Religious Freedom

Earlier this year, Kennewick city council member John Trumbo introduced the "Freedom of Conscience Resolution" with the purpose of protecting Christian businesses, like Arlene's Flowers, from being sued based on the owner's religious beliefs. The resolution is scheduled for another meeting tomorrow night.

Baronelle Stutzman will be in attendance. Please make every effort to attend the Kennewick City Council Workshop in support of the "Freedom of Conscience Resolution" on:

Tuesday, August 11, 2015
6:30 PM
Kennewick City Hall
210 West Sixth Avenue

It is expected that the room will fill up fast, so if you want to get a good seat, you will want to get there by 6 PM.

Your presence is critical because the council will be deciding whether or not to bring the resolution up for a full vote at a future meeting. The public will not be given an opportunity to speak. However, please be assured that your attendance will speak volumes!

Please plan to be there and invite others to join you!
Also at 6 PM, there will be a prayer meeting at the park across the street from City Hall and we encourage you to come and pray.

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