Marion and I had a good trip over the mountains yesterday to visit with sister Deuchle in Yakima. Looking forward to prayer meeting tonight at
TLBC. My pastor when I was a Bible Student at CBC in the mid 70's, Elder Elton Wilson, is in the hospital in Clarksville, TN and not expected to live according to the doctors.
Here is the latest report that I sent out to friends about
the Lord's work here in Tacoma.
The Lord’s Baptist Church
11102 Yakima Avenue South
Tacoma, WA. 98444
Pastor Larry J. Killion Phone: 253-537-0129
Greetings from TLBC in Tacoma, Washington. This is our Newsletter and Quarterly Report for the 3rd quarter of 2006. We continue to study the Sermon on the Mount on Sunday mornings and Pastor’s outlines are on the front page of our church web site. In our afternoon services we are studying about various Old Testament Bible characters.
Pastor traveled to Troy, Michigan in September for the Bible Conference at Covenant Baptist Church and had a wonderful time of fellowship with the brethren there. Shortly after the conference the pastor there, Elder Bill Senich, had some serious health issues and we are praying for him. Our Missionary to Ireland, Elder Bob Ellis, preached in the Labor Day Bible Conference in North Carolina where brother Gene Kiger ministers to the Grace Baptist Church and was very well received by the brethren there.
Sister Marion had some health problems this quarter but is doing better now. Thank you to those of you who prayed for her. Please pray for our grandson AJ Buffaloe. They are scheduling an appointment with a neurologist regarding a swollen tonsil in the back of his brain. It is called Arnold Chiuri Malformation Type I.
Our church attendance is not what it could be. We continue our mailing ministry to newcomers in the community with no response to this effort. We started to canvas the neighborhood around the new meeting place. We ordered and received several different gospel tracts from Elder Wilbert Ellis in Florence, Kentucky and are using them.
Pastor is enjoying being retired from his secular job. It is great to be able to have the flexibility now that we did not have when required to meet an employers schedule. For example, our 5th Sunday trips over to Yakima can now be done on a weekday if it is more convenient. Sister Marion enjoys my help on routine shopping trips and we like to take off now and then just to go to the ocean or the mountains for a day trip. Nice! I started to gain some weight so we are walking about two miles per day now for exercise.
Brother Cresencio Baldemor in the Philippines is also doing well and we continue to receive good reports from him about the mission work there. It is an honor to be co-laborers with great men of God like Elder Baldemor and Elder Ellis.
We received a generous love offering from a Friend in Kentucky. This dear brother has been a faithful help to us over the years and has been used of the Lord in our life and ministry more than he may know. Pray also for Direct missions in Canada, Mexico, Honduras, Guyana, Brazil, Peru, Romania, Papua New Guinea, Thailand, India and Australia. AMEN.